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As you may know, the sound engineer, Richard Caniell, periodically returns to previously released restorations to see if he can improve them in some way. For instance, a breakthrough in sound restoration approach he developed in October of 2011 led to very significant improvements to the Toscanini Missa Solemnis 1935, and marked improvement to the Verdi Requiem 1938 concerts. (Similar techniques have been applied to our new releases of the 1939 Simon Boccanegra, 1939 Der Rosenkavalier and the 1936 Met Die Meistersinger .) Sometimes improvements could be made in noise reduction as another example, without sacrifice to the overtones. Some remasters are offered because of mastering errors, such as pitch lapses.

As a result of re-auditioning these previous releases, the sound engineer is offering re-mastered discs for the albums listed below. Most are offered free only to people who have already bought the previous editions, and will be included with any order. If only remastered discs are wanted in an order, we might need to charge for the cost of postage to ship them unless it was our error.

The exceptions to this are the Toscanini Missa Solemnis 1935, which has been so extensively remastered that it has been re-submitted for review (as shown on our web site). For this remaster we charge a flat rate of $10.00. The other exception is the Gretchaninioff Missa Oecumenica, which has recently been completed by a patron generously supplying us with the long missing Kyrie movement. For this a flat rate of $5.00 would be charged.

Please click on each release to read the details about the improvements or corrections that have been made to each.


Dream Rheingold CDs 1 and 2 IPCD 1026-2

Gotterdammerung Covent Garden 1936-37 with Melchior and Leider CD 1 IPCD 1149-3

Louise Heritage Edition CD 1 IPCD 1103-2

Toscanini Beethoven NBC 1952 1st and 9th Symphonies CD 1 IPCD 1172-2

Toscanini NBC Summer Concerts 1952 CD 2 IPCD 1190-2


Berlioz Requiem France 1942 CD 1 IPCD 1120-3

Bruno Walter Volume 1 1939 CDs 2 and 5 IPCD 1145-5

Der Fliegende Hollander Covent Garden 1937 CD 2 IPCD 1051-2

Forza del Destino Met 1968 CD 2 IPCD 1131–4

Lohengrin Met 1934 CD-2 IPCD 1112-3

Louise Heritage Series (CDs1 and 2) IPCD 1103–2

Medea - Florence - 1953 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1076-4

Tannhauser Met 1936 CDs 1, 3 and 4 IPCD 1039–4

Toscanini BBC Missa Solemnis 1939 (CD-1) IPCD 1068–2

Toscanini Brahms Cycle 1948 and Rarities (CD-2) IPCD 1128-2

Tristan - Beecham - Cov. Gar. 1937 (CD-1) IPCD 1042-4

Vickers Memorial (CD-3) IPCD 1020-4


Aida Met 1937 (CD-2) IPCD 1020-3

Beethoven Cycle 1939 (CD-10) IPCD 1074-10

Der Fliegende Holländer Berlin 1937 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1080-2

Der Fliegende Holländer Covent Garden (CD 2) IPCD 1051-2

Der Rosenkavalier Met 1939 (CD 1) IPCD 1023-3

Die Meistersinger Met 1936 (CD 1) IPCD 1035-3

Die Meistersinger Met 1939 (CD 3) IPCD 1001-3

Dream Götterdämmerung (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1029-4

Dream Rheingold Met 1937 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1026-2

Götterdämmerung Act II 1938 IPCD 1022-1

Missa-Oecumenica (Gretchaninoff) IPCD 1036-1

Tannhäuser Met 1936 (CDs 1, 2 and 3) IPCD 1039-4

Toscanini All-Wagner 1941 (CD-2) IPCD 1043-3

Toscanini Brahms Cycle 1935 (CD-1) IPCD 1025-4

Toscanini Brahms Cycle 1935 (CD-3) IPCD 1025-4

Toscanini Brahms Cycle 1935 (CD-4) IPCD 1025-4

Toscanini Lucerne Concerts 1946 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1016-2

Toscanini Missa Solemnis 1935 (CD 1) Remaster 2018 IPCD 1011-2

Toscanini Philharmonic Double Concert 1936 (4 CDs) IPCD 1049-4

Toscanini Philharmonic 23 Feb. 1936 (CD 2) IPCD 1002-2

Toscanini Verdi Requiem 1938 Remaster 2014 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1009-2

Tristan und Isolde (Beecham), Covent Garden 1937 (CDs 2 and 4) IPCD 1042-4

Tristan und Isolde (Bodanzky), Met 1937 (CDs 1 and 2) IPCD 1040-3

Tristan und Isolde Act III IPCD 1019-1


CLICK HERE to see the a PDF of the contents of the free Wagner Sound Samples

Guild Sets Guild CD Code
Beethoven Missa Solemnis (Toscanini) CD 1 GHCD 2248
Berlioz Romeo and Juliet (Toscanini) CD 1 GHCD 2218
Mozart Don Giovanni CD 1 GHCD 2236

Please let us know if you have these previous editions, and we will replace them free of charge with an order or for the cost of postage if ordered exclusively, or if you wish to order the Wagner Sound Samples CD. Exceptions noted at the top of the page. CLICK HERE TO CONTACT US

THE JUSSI BJOERLING SOCIETY USA is offering a special 2020 discounted membership rate of $15 to Immortal Performances customers.  The JB Society supports the remastering and distribution of Bjoerling recordings, issues 2 free  publications per year, and will hold its next international conference in April, 2021, in Chicago.   For discounts on CDs, books, posters, and updates on the next conference,  visit www.jussibjorlingsociety.org

For further information about the great vocal artists offered in our CD releases, including articles, discographies and photos, see The Record Collector at:
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